NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology

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NCERT Solutions for all chapters under the Class 12 Biology Syllabus have been listed below in this article.  Along with NCERT Solutions PDF, Important questions, Multiple Choice Questions, Important topics and articles are provided which will help to familiarise students with the class 12 biology syllabus. Chapterwise NCERT Solutions of all Class 12 Biology chapters are given in the form of PDFs for students to download and keep for future reference. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapters 

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology chapterwise solutions are listed below. Students can click the link to download the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology PDF.

Class 12 Biology Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms (Omitted)

Reproduction is the process where organisms give rise to its young ones to enhance the population and habitat of that species. This chapter is under Unit VI- Reproduction. The important topics covered in Reproduction in Organisms are:

Total Weightage: 3-4 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 1: 

Class 12 Biology Chapter 2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Sexual reproduction in flowring plants is carried out by the male and female gametes through the process of pollination. This chapter is under Unit VI- Reproduction. The important topics that are covered in Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants are:

Total Weightage: 2-3 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 2: 

Class 12 Biology Chapter 3: Human Reproduction

Human reproduction is carried out by the process of fertilisation of female ovum cells by the male sperm cells to form zygote. This chapter is under Unit VI- Reproduction. The important topics that are covered in Human Reproduction are:

Total weightage: 2-3 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 3: 

Class 12 Biology Chapter 4: Reproductive Health

Reproductive health is the state of well being of physical, mental and sexual well being. This chapter is under Unit VI- Reproduction. The important topics that are covered in Reproductive Health are:

  • Need for reproductive health and prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
  • Birth control - need and methods, contraception, and medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)
  • Amniocentesis
  • Infertility and assisted reproductive technologies 

Total weightage: 4-5 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 4:

Class 12 Biology Chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Inheritance is the process by which genes are transfered from parents to offsprings. The study of genetic inheritance is known as genetic engineering. This chapter is under Unit VII- Genetics and Evolution. The important topics that are covered in Principles of Inheritance and Variation are:

Total Weightage: 5-6 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 5: 

Class 12 Biology Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance 

Molecular basis of inheritance is the study of genetics at the molecular level. This chapter is under Unit VII- Genetics and Evolution. The important topics that are covered in Molecular Basis of Inheritance are:

Total Weightage: 4-5 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 6:

Class 12 Biology Chapter 7: Evolution

Evolution is the process by which there is change in the characteristics of a species over several generations by natural selection. This chapter is under Unit VII- Genetics and Evolution. The important topics that are covered in Evolution are:

Total Weightage: 5-6 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 7:

Class 12 Biology Chapter 8: Human Health and Disease 

Health is the state of physical and mental well-being of a person. Diseases are classified into communicable and non-communicable diseases. This chapter belongs to Unit VIII- Biology and Human Welfare. The important topics that are covered in Human Health and Disease​ are:

Total Weightage: 3-4 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 8: 

Class 12 Biology Chapter 9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production (Omitted)

Strategies for enhancement in food production includes plant breeding, animal husbandry, modern irrigation systems, tissue culture, embryo transfer, etc. This chapter belongs to Unit VIII- Biology and Human Welfare. The important topics that are covered in Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production ​are:

Total weightage: 2-3 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 9: Class 12 Biology Chapter 9 Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Class 12 Biology Chapter 10: Microbes in Human Welfare

Microbes are microscopic organisms that are either unicellular or multicellular. Many microbes are beneficial for human welfare. This chapter belongs to Unit VIII- Biology and Human Welfare. The important topics that are covered in Microbes in Human Welfare are:

Total weightage: 4-5 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 10: 

Class 12 Biology Chapter 11: Biotechnology Principles and Processes

Biotechnology is a combination of the fields of technology and Biology. It is the process where technology is imbibed into living organisms. This chapter belongs to Unit IX- Biotechnology and its Applications. The important topics that are covered in Microbes in Human Welfare are:

Total Weightage: 6-7 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 11: 

Class 12 Biology Chapter 11 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Class 12 Biology Chapter 12: Biotechnology and its Application

Applications of Biotechnology are seen in many fields such as medicine, genetics, agriculture, therapeutics, diagnostics, etc.This chapter belongs to Unit IX- Biotechnology and its Applications. The important topics that are covered in Biotechnology and its Application​ are:

Total Weightage: 5-6 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 12:  Class 12 Biology Chapter 12 Biotechnology and Its Applications

Class 12 Biology Chapter 13: Organisms and Population

Population is the total number of a particular species living in a well-defined geographic area. This chapter belongs to Unit X- Ecology and Environment. The important topics that are covered in Organisms and Population​ are:

  • Population interactions 
  • Population attributes 
  • (Topics excluded: Organism and its Environment, Major Abiotic Factors, Responses to Abiotic Factors, Adaptations)

Total Weightage: 2-3 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 13: 

Class 12 Biology Chapter 14: Ecosystem

An ecosystem is a geographic interaction between all natural elements and organisms. This chapter belongs to Unit X- Ecology and Environment. The important topics that are covered in Ecosystem​ are:

Total Weightage: 2-3 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 14:  Class 12 Biology Chapter 14 Ecosystem

Class 12 Biology Chapter 15: Biodiversity and Conservation

Conservation of biodiversity is the protection and preservation of natural biodiversity for sustainable development. This chapter belongs to Unit X- Ecology and Environment. The important topics that are covered in Biodiversity and Conservation​ are:

Total Weightage: 2-3 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 15: 

Class 12 Biology Chapter 16: Environmental Issues (Omitted)

Environmental issues are attributed to any undesirable change in the ecosystem. This chapter belongs to Unit X- Ecology and Environment. The important topics that are covered in Biodiversity and Conservation​ are:

Total Weightage: 2-3 marks

Additional Resources for Chapter 16: 

CBSE CLASS XII Related Questions

What is spermatogenesis? Briefly describe the process of spermatogenesis.

      If one can induce parthenocarpy through the application of growth substances which fruits would you select to induce parthenocarpy and why?

          Does our blood have proteases and nucleases?

              All algae have

                • chlorophyll a and b
                • chlorophyll b and carotenoids
                • chlorophyll a and carotenoids
                • phycobilins and carotenoids

                Distinguish between
                (a) Grazing food chain and detritus food chain
                (b) Production and decomposition
                (c) Upright and inverted pyramid
                (d) Food chain and Food web
                (e) Litter and detritus
                (f) Primary and secondary productivity

                    Give three hypotheses for explaining why tropics show greatest levels of species richness.

                        CBSE CLASS XII Previous Year Papers


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